This page is only to exchange some pictures, files, and other stuff.

electronics/ eda

view waveforms and data with a python/matplotlib application
creating, testing and maintaining a spice library for gEDA
ngspice/octave: circuit optimization using differential evolution
ngspice/python: circuit optimization using differential evolution
ngspice/python: import filter and hdf5 converter
ngspice: colored postscript demo page

electronics/ AVR microcontroller

a clock with 7-seg-display (asm)
catch a memory dump from the controller (asm/python)
lcd terminal with IR-receiver, some keys and leds (c-code)


python: get old versions of OSM objects
python: misc osm checks
hiking routes (osm tests)


backtracking: The Knights Tour
the good old Solitaire Game
a solver for the good old Solitaire Game
count squares in a matrix of points
count words in a matrix of letters

homepages of friends

Bodo: ham radio / tall ship Gorch Fock
Werner Hoch
Last modified: Tue Dec 29 12:37:31 CET 2009